Well it's been another great month of life. I grew and experienced so much in the last few weeks but we're going to have to keep this kind of short because Mom started her new job on Monday and doesn't have quite as much time to record my thoughts. But who are we kidding, Mom doesn't know how to keep things short, especially when she's got so many cute pictures of me.
First thing's first. I discovered my hands.
And I LOVE my activity mat. Probably because I discovered my hands and how they can make my buddies hanging over my mat move. Here's Jenny showing me the wonders of my mat.
Second, I've put on some weight.
I'm quite a different baby from what I once was.
Mom keeps squeezing my cheeks.
Bath time is still going swimmingly.
I'm starting to take more regular naps.
He and I have a complicated relationship (as in me and the Orange One, Dad and I get along great).
We're working on it.
However, he and the Gray One have been in better moods lately because the window was opened for a day. It snowed again today, though. I don't know what Spring is, but I sure hope it comes soon.
Mom's dear friend Jenny came for a visit. I loved meeting her and the guy with the beard she brought along. He made me smile a lot. (Jenny's Mama made me that beautiful sweater I'm wearing. Jenny also made me a beautiful dress that will make its debut in Month 3)
They played a lot of this interesting game involving sheep and wheat and some other things I don't remember. Mom promised to teach me how to play one day. The bearded guy is already teaching me.
I hope I have a friend like Jenny one day.
My milk tasted DELICIOUS while Jenny and Nick were here. First it was laced with Capogiro gelato.
Then I sensed a hint of Shake Shack?
I also tried delicious homemade apple pie thanks to Jenny :)
It was a really fun visit and I miss my new friends already.
Earlier in the month I got my first set of vaccines. YIKES that was rough. Good thing I never have to go through that again. Wait, hold on a sec, what's that Mom? Oh. Right. Well, apparently I have to go through that many more times. Good thing Mom's there with me.
Later that day: Mama, I promise to wear this dress on Easter, just no more shots for now, please!
My snow suit is close to fitting but we're really hoping there is no more snow!
I hung out with Dad on a Saturday so Mama could attend a women's conference at Westminster. Here we are in front of a hall named after some guy Dad talks about a lot. It was bright.
I have cute feet.
One of Mama's friends gave me this amazing book. It's about cats. We're already starting to memorize it.
Mama took me to Penn so I could meet some more friends. They were all so friendly, I can see why they're nurses.
I went to church for the first time!
I slept through most of it, but it was really nice for Mom and Dad to be back in church.
And here is just a montage of photos Mama took of me around March 17th. She couldn't decide which was cutest so she included a lot.
Mama is so thankful for her new job, but it breaks her heart to be away from me for now. Fortunately I have a really great dad and she's got some really great friends that are taking care of me while she's at work. I've been helping her out by taking my bottle like a champ but still nursing a lot when she gets home so we can still bond. I heard her mention something to Dad about how this job has been a long time in the coming, something about a ship in Africa and a move across the country and lots of school? I'm not quite sure. But we all seem to agree this is a good thing for now and are thankful to God for taking care of each of us.
That's it for now. See you at month 3!